Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nightly Specials at the Nelson House

Monday: Vegetable Curry w/ whole wheat Couscous
Tuesday: Eggplant Parmesan-salad
Wednesday: Homemade Pizza--Veggie/Pineapple
Thursday: Veggie Burgers-potato fries
Friday: Stir Fry
Saturday: Pasta Salad-rolls
Sunday: Enchiladas

Friday, September 26, 2008

Posting Plan

All right my dear friends I know you are full of information to share and want to learn from each other. So, lets share a goal to post or at least read/comment once a week on one or more of these themed days:

Mondays: Menus
Outline your weekly dinner plans. Here's a little way to cheat if you don't like to plan the whole week; write down what you did eat this past week. Recycle that list a few weeks from now and you've got a weeks worth of meal ideas Ü If the recipe is online be sure to hyperlink it or people can email one another for specific recipes.

Wednesday: Natural Healing
There are many home remedies that work wonders in healing ourselves and our families of minor and serious ailments. i.e., garlic oil for ear aches--it works!

Friday: Tip of the Day
This could be any litte tid bit of info that you've heard or an idea you have that contributes to our overall wellness--mental, physical, social, spiritual, emotional. Let us know of a 5K coming up or deal on grains or class on something, etc.

Hopefully, this will be useful to you. If you think of ideas for Tuesday or Thursday, let us all know. This should be fun Ü

Monday, September 15, 2008

Eating Wisely

Today we held our first meeting to discuss ways to make our lives and families a bit healthier. Below is an outline of our discussion.

Eating Wisely
Quick Tips
Baby Steps—learn and apply and learn some more
Replace sugar in recipes with honey. (1/2 C. honey to 1 C. sugar)
Remove ½ the amount of sugar called for—too much nowadays
Strive to have 3-5 veggies a day—Juice it!
Replace ½ the flour in recipes with wheat or spelt flour.
Exchange that white rice for brown. Go 50/50 for a while.

High Fructose Corn Syrup
Trader Joe’s has ketchup, jams, w/o it., even oreo’s.
Sugar as 1st ingredient—Peanut Butter shouldn’t have it.
Partially Hydrogenated oils

MSG-Excitotoxins-Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Causes neurological problems—brain neurons excite themselves to death.
All processed foods contain one or more excitotoxins
Common in soups, frozen dinners, and chips.
Hides behind names: hydrolyzed protein, vegetable protein, soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, whey protein, natural flavoring spices, enzymes, autolyzed yeast extract, stock, broth, and carrageenan.
Leads to obesity—study w/lab rats reproducible, diet/exercise don’t help
Soybeans have high levels of glutamate, leads to aggression, brain atrophy.
Alzheimers, seizures, cancer, strokes,
heart attack after high glutamate meals—young athletes(low magnesium)
Avoid foods containing exitotoxin additives—the less processed the better!

More energy, no more 3pm slump
Think clearer
Children less emotional, etc.
Spirit healthier

The more alive and whole foods we put into our bodies. The more alive and whole we will feel.
Melody Ü