Monday, September 15, 2008

Eating Wisely

Today we held our first meeting to discuss ways to make our lives and families a bit healthier. Below is an outline of our discussion.

Eating Wisely
Quick Tips
Baby Steps—learn and apply and learn some more
Replace sugar in recipes with honey. (1/2 C. honey to 1 C. sugar)
Remove ½ the amount of sugar called for—too much nowadays
Strive to have 3-5 veggies a day—Juice it!
Replace ½ the flour in recipes with wheat or spelt flour.
Exchange that white rice for brown. Go 50/50 for a while.

High Fructose Corn Syrup
Trader Joe’s has ketchup, jams, w/o it., even oreo’s.
Sugar as 1st ingredient—Peanut Butter shouldn’t have it.
Partially Hydrogenated oils

MSG-Excitotoxins-Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Causes neurological problems—brain neurons excite themselves to death.
All processed foods contain one or more excitotoxins
Common in soups, frozen dinners, and chips.
Hides behind names: hydrolyzed protein, vegetable protein, soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, whey protein, natural flavoring spices, enzymes, autolyzed yeast extract, stock, broth, and carrageenan.
Leads to obesity—study w/lab rats reproducible, diet/exercise don’t help
Soybeans have high levels of glutamate, leads to aggression, brain atrophy.
Alzheimers, seizures, cancer, strokes,
heart attack after high glutamate meals—young athletes(low magnesium)
Avoid foods containing exitotoxin additives—the less processed the better!

More energy, no more 3pm slump
Think clearer
Children less emotional, etc.
Spirit healthier

The more alive and whole foods we put into our bodies. The more alive and whole we will feel.
Melody Ü


Lori said...

Thanks for putting this together Melody! I'm excited about it, and I think it's going to be a great thing. Good place to post recipes, ideas, etc.

Tiffany said...

Thanks Melody!! I'm excited to have this- and thanks for posting that lemon scones recipe. That was yummy- I'm excited to try it!

Tiffany said...

Hey Melody- btw, I was looking at that lemon scones recipe... did you use the 1/3 c. sugar it called for or did you half that when you made it? (Or use honey?) Just curious what changes you made to it...

Melody said...

Since it was only 1/3 cup of sugar to 2 cups flour I just left it. That's a pretty decent ratio. I did though substitute another tablespoon of lemon juice in the glaze for the lemon extract as I didn't have any.

Michelle said...

This is great! Thanks so much Melody. I enjoyed the discussion and learned a lot. Is the article you had about MSG on the Mercola link or did you have another one?

Katie said...

Thanks Melody for setting up this blog and for hosting the first meeting! You have no idea how long I have wanted to do this group! Thank you!!

Lori ~ LL-K said...

Thanks Melody!! For everything getting the group started (with the push from Katie Ü) to the blog, to all that you have done!!

kirt said...

Thanks dear. You're sweeter than sugar.